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Little Packets of Lives

I don't mean for this to happen, but my life has kind of arranged itself in different sections that are totally independent, separate from each other. Each chapters carefully kept apart as though I'm living different lives. I don't bring my friends together, not even when I was younger. I don't mix home and work, and I'd be very surprised if people at work know anything about home, apart from what they see in social media. Don't get me wrong, I occasionally opens up to certain few - maybe one or two carefully chosen ones.

Odd as it may sound to others, but not to me. Not really. I just want certain aspects of my life to be my own. I prefer my life to be this way, otherwise I should have already done something to change it. I suppose I like the sense of order, the simplicity, the lack of complications. Perhaps, I unknowingly believe that chaos will descend if I merge all these little packets of lives that I have.

Or maybe, I'm just oddly and extremely private.

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